Sailing The Inside Passage | Part 3 | Otter Cove - Port Neville - Growler Cove - Alert Bay

Otter Cove | Port Neville | Growler Cove | Alert Bay

In this episode, we continue north from Otter Cove at the junction of Discovery Passage and Johnstone Strait up to Alert Bay.

As we sail off the anchor, Alex's shoe goes overboard! Ellis documents the skillful recovery of this critical piece of gear, and then we set off up Johnstone Strait with some fun strong NW wind and an ebb current in our favour helping us along. We spend the night in the Historic Port Neville, and then in the morning, Trevor goes for a swim to clean some growth off of the prop. We mark the new anchor chain and rode setup, and Trevor give a little tour around the grounds at Port Neville. The next day, light winds increase to a perfect breeze, which carries us to Growler Cove. Before we reach Growler Cove, a pod of Pacific White-Sided Dolphins come play on the bow of Sea Dream of Clyde. Finally, we get some good SE wind and enjoy a quick run up to Alert Bay to do some town stuff.


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